Politics and Strategy

Japan Steps Up Its Arctic Engagement

This op-ed summarizes Japan's latest Arctic strategy as Japan continues to step up its engagement in the Arctic

Russia’s Reaction to the US Continental Shelf Announcement: Political Posturing or Setting the Stage for a Big Move?

Russia rejects the US establishment of continental shelf’s limits, while leaving room for discussions on its own

Greenland stakes a Course within Defense and Diplomacy

Greenland's new foreign, security, and defense policy strategy stakes a course within Arctic defense and

Exploring Nine Years of US-Russian Rivalry: Has Russia’s 2022-War Made the High North Less Stable?

Exploring the High North security environment post Russia’s Crimea-annexation, the article reveals the impact of High

Perils of the Familiar Past: Explaining the United States’ South China Sea Misanalogy

This article explores how the U.S. came to devise its Arctic strategy vis-à-vis China using the analogy of the South

Polar Expertise in China’s 14th Five-Year Plan

Drift ice camp in the middle of the Arctic Ocean as seen from the deck of the Chinese research icebreaker Xue Long.

The Arctic in China’s Subnational 14th Five-Year Plans

China’s Subnational 14th Five-Year Plans show how provincial governments, ministries, industries, and other actors

What the 14th Five-Year Plan says about China’s Arctic Interests

What does China's 14th Five-Year Plan says about the country's Arctic Interests and the future of the Polar Silk

The Arctic for China’s Green Energy Transition

Studies have shown the importance of Arctic oil and gas for China, which can enhance its energy security by