Victoria Herrmann

Fighting the Rising Tide in Shaktoolik, Alaska

Located between a river and the Norton Sound in Alaska, Shaktoolik is in need of relocation inland, but currently lacks

When the Sea Wall Breaks: Climate Change in Teller, Alaska

Teller, Alaska is identified by the US Army Corps of Engineers as one of 31 villages in imminent danger of the effects

Self-Preservation: Amid Debate, An Alaskan Village Decides to Move Inland

In August 2016, the residents of Shishmaref, Alaska voted to relocate further inland from the impacts of climate

A Continual State of Emergency: Climate Change and Native Lands in Northwest Alaska

A warming world is a creating complex web of environmental, political, and cultural challenges for the Bering Strait

As Trump Ignores Climate Change, Seas Threaten to Swallow Alaskan Villages

Victoria Herrmann discusses the impacts of climate change on Alaskan coastal villages and President Trump's budget

An Arctic Council In Transition

How will cooperation between the United States and other Arctic States advance after the US hands over AC Chairmanship

Best Practices of Geothermal in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week:

Best Practices of Solar in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week: solar

Best Practices of Biomass in the Arctic – Infographic

Renewable energy projects are helping Arctic communities combat the challenges of diesel. Our focus this week: biomass