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Emily White


Working Location:

London, United Kingdom



Emily White is a Research Intern at The Arctic Institute, contributing to the production of policy briefs for the Institute. Her primary areas of expertise encompass how climate change will have repercussions for geopolitics and risk mitigation through policy.

Emily is also an Analyst in the Critical Risks team at Schillings LLP, helping clients navigate complex geopolitical situations and unlock opportunities. The team advise on range of high stakes scenarios and crises, as well as advise on preventative security measures and risk mitigation.

Emily holds an undergraduate degree from the University of Bristol in Philosophy, where she focused on epistemology and political philosophy. Following this Emily achieved a Masters from Kings College London in the department of War Studies, specifically studying Conflict Resolution in Divided Societies. She was awarded a distinction for her dissertation entitled ‘Rethinking Arctic Exceptionalism: Navigating Shifts in Climate and Geopolitics’.