
Realizing Indigenous Law in Co-Management of Natural Resources

To equitably manage Canada’s Arctic natural resources and elevate Indigenous law, reform is needed that centers

Geopolitical Implications of New Arctic Shipping Lanes

The increasing accessibility of newly open Arctic shipping lanes and ports brings with them troubling geopolitical

North but Maybe Not North Enough: Adapting Sub-Arctic Communities and Infrastructure to a Changing Climate

Churchill, a northern city in Manitoba, is located on thawing permafrost, and is taking action to address the rapidly

Reducing Individual Costs of Permafrost Thaw Damage in Canada’s Arctic

Permafrost thaw is costly for individuals. To reduce costs of the damage caused, reform to existing financial

Controversies Around Endangered Indigenous Languages in the Canadian Arctic (Part I)

In Canada, the introduction of the “Indigenous Languages Act” in 2019 reignited discussions on the status of

Measures Taken by the Canadian Coast Guard to Respond to the Pandemic in the Canadian Arctic

Canadian Coast Guard’s Arctic pandemic was an operational season success in 2020, also due to its

Indigenous Language, Community, and Legends in Post-Secondary Education

Yukon University must put Indigenous languages at the forefront of education policy and fund free Indigenous language

COVID-19’s Impact on the Administration of Justice in Canada’s Arctic

COVID-19 affects the administration of justice in Canada’s Arctic by exacerbating current challenges. A reform is

When ‘Perma’ Is No Longer ‘Perma’: Investigating Permafrost Degradation in Churchill, Manitoba

Permafrost degradation threatens Churchill’s future as it changes the topography that tourism, rail lines, and