European Union

Partnership with a Healthy Dose of Distance: Sweden’s Changing Attitude towards the EU as an Arctic Player

This article provides a short account of the key characteristics of the Swedish state’s attitude towards the EU as an

A Comparative Study of the Official Use of Arctic Environmental Discourses of China and the EU

China and the EU’s common identities and different features have shaped their Arctic environmental

The European Union in Antarctica: An Emerging Area of Interest?

The European Union is increasingly developing an interest in Antarctica, especially in establishing Marine Protected

Levels of EU Law – Infographic

EU law strongly affects the Arctic, with many of the European Union's legal competences being in policy fields that are

The EU and its Arctic Spirit: Solving Arctic Climate Change from Home?

To find its true Arctic spirit, the European Union's path towards more Arctic involvement should essentially start

Swimming Away! Arctic Fisheries and International Cooperation

International fisheries cooperation, between Iceland, the Faroe Island and the EU, tested as fish stocks swim North due

The European Union’s Geopolitical Quest for Northern Space

Does the EU follow a geopolitical rationale when building its Arctic policy? How does EUrope define its very own

The EU’s Arctic Policy: Between Vision and Reality

What is the future of the EU's Arctic Policy? Does the EU have any vision for the future of the Arctic

Is the Future of the European Arctic Socially Sustainable?

The article assesses the gender dimension of social sustainability of the European Arctic. Results show regional