Marc Jacobsen

Why Trump is looking to buy Greenland – even if it’s not for sale

Marc Jacobsen suggests that Donald Trump’s wish to purchase Greenland tells a lot about the US’ interests in the

Why on Earth would Donald Trump want to buy Greenland?

Marc Jacobsen states that Donald Trump’s alleged idea of purchasing Greenland is rooted in an outdated

Danish: Forsker: Hvis USA ikke kan købe hele landet, så kan man måske leje nogle stykker af det

Marc Jacobsen discusses the potential outcome of Donald Trump’s wish to purchase Greenland.

Danish: Grønlændere siger nej tak til Donald Trump

Marc Jacobsen comments that Donald Trump’s wish to purchase Greenland, enhances the Greenlandic Premier’s

Trump wants to buy Greenland. How much would it cost?

Marc Jacobsen and Victoria Herrmann commenting on a potential and adequate price tag for the island of

Sustainable Arctic Mining? A Comparative Analysis of Greenland and Nunavut Mining Discourses

The concept of sustainability is often mentioned in Greenland and Nunavut mining debates, but the meaning is not the

Sustainability as a Political Concept in the Arctic (Part II)

This is Part II of the introduction to a book which analyzes sustainability as a political concept in the Arctic and

Sustainability as a Political Concept in the Arctic (Part I)

This is the introduction (Part I) to a book on sustainability as a concept and on how sustainability is given new

Desecuritization as Displacement of Controversy

The Ilulissat Declaration was a pre-emptive desecuritization act in reaction to the growing concern for military