
Canada in the Arctic – Arctic Oil and Gas: Reserves, Activities, and Disputes

Canada shows significant interest in its Arctic oil and gas resources; disputes do not play a big

Arctic Chiefs of Defence Staff Conference: An Opportunity to Formalize Arctic Security

Canadaʼs hosting of the Arctic Chiefs of Defence Staff at Goose Bay is an auspicious occasion in the evolution of 21st

Arctic Winter Games 2012 Continue in Whitehorse, Canada

The Arctic Winter Games began this past Sunday in Whitehorse. This year, more than 2,000 athletes will compete in over

Positive Unilateralism in the Canadian Arctic? Canada’s NORDREG System

The issue of unilateralism has eventually also reached the Arctic, as also visible with Canada's marine traffic system

The Shadow of Historic Polar Exploration on Contemporary Arctic Affairs

It is critical to recognize the ways in which history casts shadow on the present, as obvious when discussing the

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Approves New Resource Revenue Policy

Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. approved a new resource revenue policy that should boost mineral resource development in

Coca Cola and World Wildlife Fund Launch “Arctic Home” Campaign for Polar Bear Protection

Coca-Cola Company and the WWF just announced a new campaign to protect the polar bear’s Arctic habitat - for

It’s not just the Market – Drivers of Arctic Interest

The drivers of Arctic development are manifold and other factors - in addition to oil and gas - can also trigger

Proposed Cuts to Funding Threaten Arctic Research in U.S. and Canada

Both Canada and the United States are looking for ways to trim their budgets which could negatively affect national