
Finland, Japan, South Korea, and Sweden: A Middle Power Partnership for Enhanced Maritime Capacity in the Arctic

As leading maritime nations, this article calls for a quadrilateral maritime partnership between Finland, Japan, South

Sweden’s New Arctic Strategy: Change and Continuity in the Face of Rising Global Uncertainty

This article provides an overview of Sweden's new Arctic strategy of 2020 and highlights the document's main

Geography of Economic Recovery Strategies in Nordic Countries

We examine economic recovery strategies in Norway, Sweden, and Finland to highlight that geography matters for

Partnership with a Healthy Dose of Distance: Sweden’s Changing Attitude towards the EU as an Arctic Player

This article provides a short account of the key characteristics of the Swedish state’s attitude towards the EU as an

Small and Non-Aligned: Sweden’s Strategic Posture in the Arctic (Part II)

This article highlights Sweden’s key security concerns in the Arctic and how it is seeking to address

Small and Non-Aligned: Sweden’s Strategic Posture in the Arctic (Part I)

This article provides an overview of foreign and security policy-making in Sweden in general and towards the Arctic in

Reviewing Stockholm’s Strategy for Sustainable Regional Development in the Arctic

This article provides an evaluation of the Swedish government’s strategy for sustainable regional development in the

Sweden’s Arctic Strategy: An Overview

Only little is written on Sweden’s Arctic strategy. This article is a first in a series to explore Sweden’s Arctic

From Arctic villages to a multi-planetary future

Some remote communities in the Arctic have become hubs of innovation. Is there something to learn for humanity's