Call for Papers for Series on NATO in the Arctic

The Arctic Institute is searching for Contributors!

As of March 2024, seven out of eight Arctic states are NATO members, begging the question, how did this seismic shift come about, and what does it mean for the future of the Arctic? This series will consider the past, present and future of NATO in the north. What is the history of NATO involvement in the region? How have NATO relations with various Arctic states shifted over time? How does the Arctic figure into NATO’s relations with Russia, and/or the Soviet Union before it, and how has the alliance’s presence in the region affected Arctic communities? In which ways does the addition of Finland and Sweden shift dynamics in the broader military alliance? What are the implications of NATO activities for Arctic governance, economic development, and militarization in an era of catastrophic climate emergency? We are seeking thought-provoking submissions related to any of the above questions or broader considerations about NATO in the north.

With this series, we hope to showcase a wide variety of authors with different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences. We welcome contributors from any discipline or education level. Submissions may be academically-oriented publications for a general audience, policy-oriented analyses, or take a personal narrative form. Contributors may submit a commentary (a 700-800 word short opinion or analysis piece), an article (a 1,000-3,000 word analysis), or a multimedia contribution (we have also published videos, audio, infographics, first-person essays and poetry) focusing on the role of NATO in the Arctic.

If you are interested in contributing, please submit an abstract of no more than 300 words, as well as a short paragraph about yourself to the series managers, Alina Bykova ( and Olivia Wynne Houck (, by June 20 (Thursday), 23:59 EST.

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