The return of great power competition to the Arctic marks the death of Arctic exceptionalism, and points towards an
This article highlights Sweden’s key security concerns in the Arctic and how it is seeking to address
This article provides an overview of foreign and security policy-making in Sweden in general and towards the Arctic in
As its Arctic policy shifts to address military vulnerabilities and Chinese influence, Washington should re-consider
While consensus grows that China threatens Arctic security, U.S. leaders incorrectly view the threat to security as
Mixed messages and opaqueness from China’s policymakers have made the world merely speculate about a “China
To better understand geopolitics in the Arctic, we need to separate between levels of security analysis and different
The U.S. has the potential to act courageously and cooperatively across the Arctic, but it is up to Congress to support
China is to be a key Arctic actor. To do this, China’s Arctic policy has an increased security focus to defend its